What is Amarah and Tess?

Taken by our dearly beloved, Bohmee <3

For those unfamiliar with the concept, an About Page answers the question of “what is Amarah and Tess?”

As scholars in a[n Inquiry-]based education program, we are experts at questions.

Answers, however?1

1. Where is the Big Comfy Couch?

As to not dox ourselves, we will just say it’s within you.

2. Who are Amarah and Tess?

Come back to us later. Give it a couple years c’mon we’re still self-actualizing.

3. Why should I subscribe?

See, subscribers to The Big Comfy Couch actually get [REDACTED] sent to them in the mail once every [REDACTED] days. We are not liable for any side effects brought on by [REDACTED], such as [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and excessive giggles.

No refunds, exchanges, or returns.

4. Did Tess and Amarah © actually go see Daniel Howell on tour in 2022?

Speculation as to our personal lives and viewing habits will not be tolerated.2

5. Let us begin.

Subscribe for free Daniel Howell tickets !!!(Conditions may apply. We cannot guarantee that the show hasn’t happened and that we haven’t used them already...)


See what we did there? l0lz


Sam: “But that’s exactly what your blog is!” shhhhhhhh

Subscribe to the big comfy couch

tess and amarah are yapping (ft. bohmee)


audacious...meta...unbelievably sexy...analyses...media?
maybe a little silly ? you tell me ...
An aunt with aunt thoughts